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Name: Edward Bauman

Bio: i'm just a straight out balla from cali baby.


Confession: I love Hickman. He takes characters that I have little to know interest in or knowledge for and makes…

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AVX is in it’s final bloody stages. So what would you expect from Marvel’s best X-book but a EARTH SHATTERING…

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After this second issue, there is no doubt in my mind that Morrison is the perfect writer to make Superman…

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ED209AF's Recent Comments
July 25, 2013 4:31 pm Refresh my memory, in Morrison's Bruce doesn't remove his mask but he gives Chill the clues he needs to figure it out. And then Chill has a heart attack? offs himself?
July 25, 2013 4:22 pm Avenger's: Earth's Mightiest Heroes volume 2 does a pretty solid rehashing of The Trial of Yellowjacket stuff.
July 23, 2013 1:51 pm I Superman is 33, Batman should be around 40 in my opinion. Especially considering Clark doesn't age as fast. Hamm can pass for 40 easily and should be able to for a few more years. Considering RDJ was 42 when he did his first Tony Stark, I think we could get a few good Hamm/Bruce movies in before he is past his prime.
July 22, 2013 10:13 pm It needs to be there so terrorists can look to us and say "Well if they survived that, what could we possibly throw at them?"
July 22, 2013 9:27 pm I just started watching this specifically to see Lauren Lapkus, I am a huge an of her live Improv here in LA. First episode was pretty good and I hear it is only going to get better.
July 22, 2013 9:24 pm I watched the first 3 episodes of Maron and as much as i love WTF it didn't grab me. I am waiting for it to get to streaming to binge it. Glad to hear a good review.
July 22, 2013 9:20 pm Hawkeye Annual Uncanny Avengers New Avengers Wolverine & The X-men Young Avengers Ghostbusters Nice light week. Debating dropping New Avengers and later on Avengers. Gonna be a POS decision, I am just behind on the last 2 months of issues. BQ: 'Under the Dome' is the only "new" show I am watching. But I am finally watching 'Breaking Bad' on Netflix and the occasional 'New Girl' ep when I need a lighter moment.
July 20, 2013 8:45 pm I hope they bring actual Kryptonite in purely to have Clark give Bruce some in case he has to take him down.