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Name: Ronald Kennedy

Bio: There's nothing like a good cigar and a single-malt.

CigarandScotch's Recent Comments
January 23, 2009 4:24 pm For the record, I enjoyed Dark Knight.  That being said, it's going to be interesting to see how well it holds up 20 years from now.  I remember when Batman came out in '89 and people thought it was amazing.  Watch it now though, and it's not nearly as good as I remembered it being.  You look at the movies that won best picture in '88, '89 and '90 and you have Rain Main, Driving miss daisy and dances with wolves.  Those movies held up fairly well.  In 20 years, I'll be curious if I look back at Dark Knight with the same feelings I have for it now.
January 23, 2009 12:29 pm Am I the only one that finds Morrison's work somewhat rudimentary?  I'm certainly not going to say that there isn't an audience out there for his type of story telling but his ideas seem very basic to me.  When I'm done with one of his collected works and I take a step back to examine it, it feels as if a child just told me a story.  Nothing is fleshed out and it's just one wild idea after another.  I would honestly like to see what he would come up with if he had someone next to him, while he's writing, telling him to "calm down" and "elaborate."  Either that, or put him on ritalin for a couple weeks and see what happens.