Article Archive

Your Four Dollars Hate

If you want people to stop asking about how degrading comics are to women, maybe you should try giving a different answer. Just once.

Maybe DC is Trying to Get Rid of You

You’re a savvy, well-informed, comics-literate reader… but what if that’s not a good thing to have around?

Comics: Still Everywhere, and Still Nowhere

Years ago, we wondered when the comic book movie bubble would burst. We’re still wondering. But are any of those moviegoers buying the books yet?

Winter 2012: The Perfect Comics Jumping-Off Point?

Does it seem to anyone else like this initiative to add readers has a lot of people talking about scaling back instead?

Comics Evangelism, and Keeping Those Female Readers Elusive

For every person trying to get new readers into comics, there seems to be another one trying to keep them out. Open the door to the clubhouse!