X-MEN NOIR #1 (OF 4)

Review by: Templar

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Avg Rating: 3.7
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Size: pages
Price: 3.99

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Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Solid review. I liked the book perhaps a bit more, but as a voracious pulp/noir fan, the first issue seemed just a little bit forced.


  2. "One thing I do know for sure is that the best way to charm me is to start the story with Jean Grey already dead."

    HEY!  Anyway, if I know my noir, she’s not dead.  That’s her twin, obviously.  (Madelyne!)

  3. You know I read the other review, and there was some dumb comment about computers and Gred Land, I actually think its the same guy jumping from site to site, but I see what people here are saying.  Maybe I’m to easily sweyed.  But I like dit more than good, though its always that thing, right, first issue is always just a setup.  But this was a good setup.

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