Review by: gregroyj42

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Avg Rating: 3.0
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Story by Daniel Way
Art by Steve Dillon
Colors by Guru-eFX
Letters by Joe Sabino
Cover by Julian Totino Tedesco, & Billy Tan

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

Finally something I really enjoyed. I was going to drop this after the first three sucky issues. However my lcs had it in my pull so I thought I’d try it. The art was better and to me is now passable. The story here caught and held my attention for the first time. I’m in for #5

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Good to hear.

    I dropped it after 80-some issues, and just kept Dark Avengers, which is ending in May, iirc.

    May go back and read this Thunderbolts in trade.

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