Review by: kingpinII

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Avg Rating: 4.3
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Writer: Brian Wood
Artist: Danijel Zezelj
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Cover Artist: John Paul Leon

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.50

The story and the art are kind of drifting apart. If I were to read this comic’s dialogue in a book, I’d picture things very differently. There’s no dynamism in the artwork (doesn’t help that artist keeps changing…), so the story can’t be told very well visually. It’s frustrating to read one thing and have the pictures on the page drifting elsewhere. Plus, the Callum in this issue doesn’t really look like the Callum in issues prior. Same applies to all the other regulars.

Plus: if a character has cancer. Kill’m off already! Enough with drawing this out!

Plus, part 2: the relationship between Callum and Mary is stiff. (Cal’s a pussy, by the way.) There’s no way, after all the crap they go through, they’re just going to go to bed, sleep, then wake up the next day. No. There needs to be more explosiveness – sex, fighting, arguing or otherwise. Something’s gotta uncork there, especially given the growing lack of predictability of Mary’s behavior/agenda and her risk-taking. Seriously, let’s not get carried away with Callum’s pacifism.

Plus, part 3: enough already! After a year, with all the Massive’s blips and bleeps on an off the radar, can you please put that issue to bed? Give us wreckage, a full explanation, or a boat, already. Suspense for about 6 issues is good. Suspense for 12 issues (a whole year) is just tiresome.

Plus, part 4: [this is an extension of part 3] After 12 issues, finish something! This comic is becoming a tossed salad of arbitrary world events. It’s like reading the World News in the Sunday paper. You can’t build a comic on Sunday paper dystopia – not for a whole year without the hammer coming down and finishing something!!!

The great thing about a comic/graphic novel is it’s a cheap visual medium to tell any story a person can imagine. The medium is a gift and an opportunity for anyone with writing skills to call on a good artist to hit it out of the park. The artistry never takes the post-armageddon beyond hallways, boats, rifles and stiff, articulated people. And, the writing doesn’t give the art an excuse to imagine. Even still, I want to like it more, and I *do* like the comic, but not enough to pay money for anymore. The frustration of coming to this conclusion after a year is why I’m ranting about it.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 1 - Poor

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