TEAM 7 #6

Story by Justin Jordan
Art by Pascal Alixe & Cliff Richards
Cover by Gary Frank, Cam Smith & Brad Anderson

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

The cover hooked me on this one and it felt it was going to payoff from the first few pages. Sadly, the story hit cruising speed soon there after and kept that pace down to the end even though the story clearly suggests that there was a big climactic moment that we failed to feel. The art didn’t help me here, citing many anatomical errors, nor did the fact that the characters didn’t stand out from each other aside. The dialogue is lack luster as well and often peppered on top on top of the action which is often unnecessary. That was very disappointing knowing that in the beginning of the book, you could see some hints of wonderful character banter. The only thing the moved me emotionally in this book was the last splash page which, if taken in context of the book, has nothing to do really with the story. (not yet at least)

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 2 - Average


  1. That’s too bad. My store didn’t have any copies of this. That is a bad ass cover. But I was totally bored with issue 0 of this book – doesn’t sound like it’s improved.

    • It was very promising and the cover hooked me, it did its job outside the book. The inside is just not as thought out as you hoped it would have been. I do have to admit that it did tap into my nostalgic side seeing grifter impaled like that but it still failed to deliver for me.

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