Review by: keith7198

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Writer: Mick Harrison
Artist: Douglas Wheatley
Colorist: Dan Jackson
Cover: Pablo Carrea

Size: 40 pages
Price: 2.99

“Star Wars: Dark Times – Out of the Wilderness” #1 is my introduction to the “Dark Times” series. It’s kinda strange, instead of doing a ongoing monthly series, the creators have released several connected mini-series. This seems like an unusual way to present a series but on the other hand, they appear to be delivered as chapters to a greater story and it works pretty well.

I was really in the mood for some Star Wars reading. It had been a while so when I saw the #1 and flipped through the gorgeous art I decided to give this a try. I immediately knew this story was connected to another and that it may cause some problems for me. Randy Stradley writes the book (under the named of Mick Harrison – this is explained in the back of the issue) and soon put my concerns to rest. It’s set between Episodes 3 and 4 and features Darth Vader hunting down the last of the scattered Jedi. We’re introduced to an assortment of creatures and personalities that are a lot of fun and felt right at home in Lucas’ world. It’s a skillfully crafted story that instantly captured the atmosphere and nuances of the Star Wars universe. While his storytelling does lean heavily on a prior knowledge of previous events, it doesn’t feel so weighted down that I couldn’t enjoy it.

Doug Wheatley’s art only makes the book stronger. Mixed with Dan Jackson’s colors, the book has and intensly realistic look that is a perfect fit for the story. The Darth Vader depictions are glorious and I found myself going back just to admire the work. Everything from the beautiful opening space shots to the interesting creatures, the book just looks fantastic.

This issue has certainly grabbed my attention. As a huge Star Wars fan but an “on again/off again” Star Wars comic reader, this is the kind of book that could get me hooked. It’s a fun space drama of sorts that really captures what Star Wars is about.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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