Review by: Creyes247

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Avg Rating: 4.2
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Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Mikel Janin
Colors by Jeromy Cox
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
Cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Rod Reis, Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, & Andrew Dalhouse

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.99

Chapter 3 of the Trinity War story is here, the battle lines have been drawn,
alliances have been made, and amongst the madness the outsider watches from the
sidelines as the heroes slowly start to implode between themselves.One thing
that must be considered is that Geoff Johns is for some reason telling Lemire to
beat the mole/traitor angle into our brains so hard that it will make it
seemingly impossible to break the story before the big reveal.
In all fairness,this issue made for an exciting end to the first act and the
artwork by Mikel Janin really exposed the tension that is felt between the
teams. If this act was just the set up, I can’t wait to see what the punch line

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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