Review by: shanethebunny

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Avg Rating: 4.2
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Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, & Gary Frank
Cover by Ivan Reis & Joe Prado
Variant Cover by Langdon Foss, Ivan Reis, & Joe Prado

Size: 40 pages
Price: 3.99

I feel like I may be cheating a little bit because i didnt get to read all of my comics this week on account of me being broke. A new chew came out this week that i couldnt find at my store. I wanted to check out the mars attacks the Transformers , i didnt have the money to pick up the new Avengers, i could go on but i dont want to ramble. however the new Justice League was quite pleasing to me. I read some of the reviews that other users put up and they dont share the same praise. This weeks issue really got the Throne of Atlantis crossover moving. The Atlantians came to the surface and started the war with earth, and the Justice League. The story was pretty good, alot of dialogue , nothing amazing but alot of super heros pissed off at each other and that is always fun for me. The real amazing part of this book for me was the art, alot of word balloons taking up space but the art you do see is amazing. A couple of double page scenes that are just incredible. Check it out if you are a Justice League fan. If your not you may still like it too.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. the shazam story in the back was cool too. definetly the best one of those .

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