Review by: Darkhawk2099

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Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Jheremy Raapack
Cover by Jheremy Raapack

Size: 40 pages
Price: 3.99

If you miss the old DCU and enjoy a little crazy in your comics, you owe it to yourself to pick up Injustice:Gods among us. After the pure insanity of the first issue we get to see the extreme fallout of Jokers plot to break Superman. Even though the “Superman gone mad” story has been done before, and probably better, it is always shocking to see Superman cross the line.
To add to that we get to see a truly special sequence featuring a bearded Ollie Queen and Harley Quinn, so special that I want a whole book of this. It really feels like Tom Taylor is just having as much fun as he can with the story.. The art on the other hand is nothing special, but serviceable, and especially so when you realize this is a videogame tie in.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Agreed on the art, but I rate the writing higher.

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