Review by: Thechangingman

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Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli & Stefano Landini
Cover by Simon Bisley

Size: 48 pages
Price: 4.99

Like the other review this is a eulogy. My first experience with John Constantine was one of the Eddie Campbell issues in between Garth Ennis and Paul Jenkins’ runs. It was an ok story but that Constantine was such an interesting fellow that I continued to read his stories month in and out. I also searched for back issues obsessively. I couldn’t visit a comic shop without looking through the Hellblazer back issues hoping to find a new issue to add to my collection, which took over 15 years to complete. I still remember looking through the bin to find Hellblazer #27, the Neil Gaiman issue titled “Hold Me” (still one of the all time greatest comics ever produced) and the excitement of having it in my hands. In all the years I’ve been reading comics it’s the only book I’ve never dropped. In almost 20 years of reading this book I’ve never felt like I didn’t get my money’s worth. Goodbye John you truly were a Rake at the Gates of Hell. First pints on me.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I agree “Hold Me” is an unforgettable issue and one of the best out of the 300. My friends and I even went so far to make a film version version of that story. While it was a noble attempt and a whole lot of fun, let’s just say we didn’t bother to submit it to Sundance. =)

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