Review by: IthoSapien

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Avg Rating: 3.8
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Story by Robert Venditti
Art by Billy Tan & Richard Friend
Colors by Alex Sinclair & Tony Avina
Letters by Dave Sharpe
Cover by Billy Tan, Alex Sinclair, & Rags Morales

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

Wow, what a read. I just finished this issue and I loved it! Admission: I’ve only read up Volume 2: The Revenge of Black Hand of GL so there were a few moments in this issue where I got lost. Why are there so few GLs right now? Why are there new Guardians? It doesn’t matter, my mind can fill in the blanks; (Big galactic crisis, and big Galatic Crisis again). Eventually I’ll go back and read vol.3 to learn what happened but right now I don’t need to.

Robert Venditti has these characters down, and the story hits the ground running. If you worried about a GL without Geoff Johns, don’t be. This series feels close enough to Johns’ tone that he’s set for the past 9 years, but also fresh at the same time. I love everything that’s been set up for future issues, and the new characters introduced.

Philip Tan I’m not super familiar with, I know I’ve seen his stuff before but unsure where. Doesn’t matter, he’s got it. I loved the art as well. It’s not as dark as Doug Manke’s, which is good because it fits the story and it’s new. Tan’s style is like Ivan Reis’s (another great GL artist) so even tho its a new artist on the book its familiar enough to be comforting.

That’s not to say these guys are “just like” Johns and Manke, they’re not. The book feels like slipping into a warm bath and finding several new toys to play with. This book is GL. It just is, and I want MORE. Seriously, like right now. I may start picking up GL Corps (which Venditti is also writing) now.

Last thing, I like the new Star Stapphire costume for Carol Ferris. Much more practical and less reveling. They didn’t have to change it but I’m glad they did anyway. See? New toys to play with…

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. Great review and I absolutely agree. I really enjoyed this and I’m definitely keeping this on my pull list. I didn’t realize that Venditti also wrote Demon Knights. I’m going to have to get that in trade. He’s really starting to be one of my favorite writers. Not just because of this one issue which is really good but because XO Manowar has been so good.

    • I’m glad you liked the review, if you like Venditti I also highly recommend “The Surrogates”. I think Top Cow published it, it’s a 1000 times better than the movie, and it’s a great Sci-Fi story as well.

  2. Dude, I totally agree, and am glad to finally see a good review of it. I’ve been a fan of Green Lantern since Rebirth came out, and I love Geoff’s run, and when they announced the new team I was worried. I was kind of hoping they’d throw a really crazy awesome weird team at Green Lantern like Lemire and Foreman or Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart or something. Something very different then the last ten years or whatever. Venditti and Tan seemed like such a safe boring choice, no offense to them, they’re great, but it seemed safe. And while it feels very similar to the last run, it does have a “freshness” to it. That’s a great word for it! It was fun! But at the end of it I knew people would either love or despise the new feel. But I’m very happy with it. Is it a perfect comic? No, but it’s really fun, and that’s what Green Lantern should be all about.

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