Review by: CammyKnoxville

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Let’s get one thing straight; the Rogues aren’t bad guys, they’re bad-asses!

In fact, one might argue that the Rogues are simply too bad-ass even for Final Crisis.  Spinning out of the death of Bart Allen, Countdown, and Salvation Run, the Rogues simply haven’t had a break for the past year.  To finally come back to Earth, and find out a guy like Libra is calling the shots and demanding loyalty from them?  Enough is enough, as this final issue of the mini-series shows.

If it’s one thing that makes this book so special, it’s Geoff Johns.  I don’t want to sound like every other DC Fanboy, but it’s so true.  Johns has so much love and appreciation for these characters, that it clearly shines through in this issue.  The Rogues aren’t suppose to be a lovable bunch of hooligans, but somehow (I suspect magic) Johns makes you root for the bad guys, and hope their own brand of street justice gets served at the end of the day.  Add in the wonderful pencils by Scott Kolins, and each character captivates you on every page.  Anyone else want a Captain Cold hooded sweatshirt?  I sure would.

In the end, the Rogues are once again on the run, but this time they can rest easy for now.  They kicked some ass, took names, and gave the finger to Libra.  What’s next for the Rogues?  Why, Flash: Rebirth of course!  And if one man is to write the Flash, or any other characters related to the Scarlett Speedster, it’s Geoff Johns.  Bilson & DeMeo, take note.

Why do the Rogues do what they do?  Is it for Kid Flash?  Is it for Weather Wizard’s kid?  No.  As Captain Cold puts it best;

“This is for one $%@#$@-up year.”

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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