FF #3

Review by: Khan2112

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Avg Rating: 4.3
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Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Michael Allred
Colors by Laura Allred
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Michael Allred & Laura Allred

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

I’ve been treating FF as a palette cleanser from the gloom and Doom (in caps with hopes an image of how awesome Michael Allred’s Victor Von Doom is going to look) from the rest of my overly dramatic, overly somber, or overly violent pull list picks. Complete and utter fun storytelling with art that feels like its popping off the page, reminiscent of Kirby era Fantastic Four, and coloring which works perfectly with it. Panels are easy to follow and reinforcing of the classic idea of simplicity working in the favor of perfection. This is what I, and I think most comic book fans, need: Something fun, clean, and nice to look at. It’s that simple. It’s that good.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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