EARTH 2 #9

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Story by James Robinson
Art by Nicola Scott & Trevor Scott
Colors by Pete Pantazis & Alex Sinclair
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
Cover by Nicola Scott, Trevor Scott, & Blond

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

James Robinson continues to put an alternative spin on the flash in this book and i also continue to like this slightly more than the official continuity. I just find it to be more interesting almost in the vein of the else worlds tales of old. The story-telling flows very smoothly from page to page, something that many upstart writers should take a cue from. The art is also wonderfully rendered with Nicola noticeably not skipping on the backgrounds. On the negative side, the dialogue is a bit hefty at bits and wordy in the beginning.

This book needs a second look for most people who passed off DC in the passed year.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good

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