Review by: SequentialStyle

Size: pages
Price: 3.99

I feel that this was a very poor issue all around.  Howard Chaykin’s writing did not fit in with what I feel a Die Hard book should be.  Chaykin seemed to have used the Die Hard title to spring board one of his own murder stories which didn’t have much reverence for the character or the franchise.  The story seemed to bounce around from character to character with not much focus.
The art was standard, but with licensed comic books based on previous films, I feel an artist needs to be picked to either capture the likeness of the real-life characters, or make them stylized so they aren’t distracting.  Stephen Thompson’s John McClane hardly resembled Bruce Willis.  I also didn’t get a very good feel for the time period.
Bottomline:  The character John McClane was hardly in the book, and the setup was confusing.  Oh yeah I almost forgot; NO action, and NO hard deaths.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 2 - Average

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