DIAL H #15

Review by: IthoSapien

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Story by China Mieville
Art by Alberto Ponticelli & Dan Green
Cover by Brian Bolland

Size: 0 pages
Price: 4.99

This is the end…


Seriously though, this is the “last’ issue of Dial H, aside from the Villains Month issue (which, if you’re a fan of this series, you should buy. BECAUSE HOW ELSE WILL WE GET MORE OF THIS SERIES?!).

I was pretty confused/underwhelmed for like 5 issues before issue #13. Mieville seemed to drag his feet in areas, drop in crazy ideas randomly, stuff just didn’t seem coherate. Which is fine if thats the way the book is, but when it started out it seemed like “I should be able to follow this, cause stuff makes sense right now”. Guy finds Dial, Dials weird Super-heroes, meets Girl…Weird Alien Vortex thing, what?

Then I learned Dial H was done. Sad, because when it was good (I could follow what happened on more than 2 pages) it was GOOD. Original, fresh, different. So the last 3 issues seemed to be Mieville trying his best to stick a landing.

It might be what he needed, honestly. Maybe thats too harsh, I will miss this series. But things flow now, story wise.

This issue lays out the cards, whats been happening behind the scenes, who the villains are, etc. Art wise? I think its the best Ponticelli has done since he came on. All in all, good issue. By good I mostly mean great.

But its not done yet, literally. We’ve gotta see where these characters go after this, because its not here. So theres more, there has to be.

And more Brian Bolland covers, yes more of those please.

Do yourself a favor, check this series out at the beginning. Then tell your friends, all of them, how great it is. B/C we’re not done with this. We’ll Family Guy this book if we have to; NOW WHO’S WITH ME?!!

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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