Review by: Metamorphic

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Avg Rating: 3.1
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Story by Rob Liefeld
Art by Rob Liefeld
Cover by Rob Liefeld & Matt Yackey

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

I always lead with “I’m not a Liefeld hater.” The problem is, I generally follow up with negative reviews of his comics. And this is no exception.

The strange inconsistencies of Lobo’s dialogue. The blankness on the faces of character after character. The stark nothingness in the backgrounds. The-by-the-numbers story and action. There really isn’t anything to praise in this issue. It’s just not good.

In all fairness, this book was on the bubble for me before Liefeld. And I bought this issue to fulfill my obligation to my LCS. So I was dropping it anyway. But an issue like this certainly leaves me with no regrets.

I may not be a Liefeld hater, but I sure did hate this issue.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 1 - Poor


  1. Wtf, average rating on the 102 pulls: 5.0!? 0_o LOL

  2. The rating is at 4 now, but even that leaves me baffled.

    Within the first few pages… ugh. The little panel of Lobo on the bike (above the big panel of Lobo on the bike) was just awful. And the Phil guy he beats up in the diner? Kinda fat when he approaches Lobo, not fat at all once he’s unconscious. This was hard to look at. It was hard to read. And how many times did the word “Lobo” appear in this issue? Geesh.

    I’m not a Liefeld hater. I really want to like the guy, I root for him, I think he’s got a lot of spirit. But damn, there’s just not much to like here.

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