Review by: changingshades

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Price: 2.99

Before I start, I just want to say that the cover to the next issue
looks really silly to me. Dick’s legs are all spread eagle and…and,
whatever. So this issue was a little easier to take than last. There
was a lot less set up and a little more action. There wasn’t gratuitous
killing just to show us what and how much of a bad ass the new Az is,
but there was a lot of emo, oh I’m going to die and kill people because
I’ve been such a fuck up in the past mometns and none of that holds any
interest at all for me. I am not a fan of weapons that can cut through
you but leave no physical damage unless it’s a lot more clearly defined
than the weapons in this series have been. I don’t like that Azreal can
fly now. The art was decent but if you’re picking up an ancillary
bat-book to the major event for decent art, you should kil yourself. 5/10

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 2 - Average

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