Review by: bansidhewail

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Story by Brian Lynch, Peter David, Scott Tipton, Jeff Mariotte & more
Art by Urru, Runge, Mooney, Casagrande, Frison & more
Cover by Jenny Frison & David Messina

Size: 48 pages
Price: 7.99

The last few months of this title were so lame I sadly dropped it several issues back, but this was a fantastic finale that reminded me what it was like when it was at its best. Brian Lynch writes these characters as well as a member of the show’s staff, and his story in this issue was a heart-breaker in the grandest Whedonverse tradition. We see every character’s best-case scenario reality, or the fondest wish of their heart, driven of course by the guilt and loss they all carry around. There are Easter Eggs aplenty for the hardcore fans, and of course the humor never falters.

Peter David’s Harmony blog is delightful as you would expect, and the Fred & Wesley go on a date story was played with just the right touches of sweet and sad. Even a tiny 2-page riff on movie night at the Hyperion was done with such love for and understanding of the characters it was a joy to behold.

Thanks, IDW, for ending your time with Angel on a very high note!

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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