Special Edition – San Diego Comic-Con 2006: Day One

Show Notes

The first full day of the con is over and we made it through in one piece. We went to a few panels, spent alot of time on the floor and have recorded a show with the highlights as well as present our written report and photos for you to enjoy! Just clickthrough to read and see the sights from the first day of mayhem.

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Running Time: 00:21:05

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It’s the end of the first full day, and we can’t believe there are three more days of this. It was surprising that after the very crowded preview night, the floor was much more maneuverable today than we expected, which was a nice surprise. We figured that must have had something to do with all the panels going on, thinning out the herds on the convention floor. But at the end of this day, we couldn’t help but think we hadn’t even scratched the surface yet.

We started the day off with a nice wander around before our first panel at 11:30. DC Nation was first up. The huge line scared Josh off almost immediately, but of course, Ron and Conor only ended up waiting a couple of minutes and were right up front for a very entertaining hour.

The panel consisted of editors Dan DiDio, Steve Wacker, Jan Jones, and writers Greg Rucka and Mark Waid. DiDio worked the crowd like a seasoned pro, and Rucka and Waid brought the funny. This panel took on a unique format, requiring the questioner from the audience to answer a question from the panelists. This lead to Mark Waid asking one audience member, “So really, how long is it going to be before Spider-Man puts his mask back on?” The very DC-friendly audience loved that one. Greg Rucka had a lot to say about how much he loved the creative process of 52, calling it a “collaboration unlike anything I’ve ever been involved with.” On a side note, the guy sitting next to Ron was very scary – muttering to himself angrily and often about topics that ranged from The Spectre’s goatee and Hal Jordan’s superiority as Green Lantern.

While they were neck deep in the DC world, Josh went wandering and got the first sketch he’s requested in years, getting a sweet Gabe from the Penny Arcade guys.

Then it was time for the editors on editing panel, from which Ron blogged live (an iFanboy first), and after which he promptly got bored and left Josh on his own. Josh then lasted about another 20 minutes, before he too jumped ship. The question was continually asked, but no one really got to the point of the “how did you become an editor?: query. Outside of the entertaining Bob Schreck, there wasn’t much to see, and besides, it was time for lunch.

We were really excited about the next panel of the day: Marvel’s Civil War panel. But while it had its highlights, it was a bit of a let down. Clocking in at an hour and a half, there was a lot of time spent going over ground that had already been well covered. We expected things to perk up when the floor was opened to questions, but most people got up to the mic, spent 2-3 minutes saying how much they liked Civil War, and then asked some question about what was going to happen, that the panel of course wasn’t going to answer. This was repeated several times, and apparently the mic was open to someone for as long as they could keep thinking up questions to ask. However, to be fair, it wasn’t a total loss. We all agreed that Joe Quesada is, if nothing else, a well spoken, intelligent presenter, and he never once failed to have a very good answer for any of the challenges brought from the audience. Additionally, Paul Jenkins also came off really well, and it makes us feel pretty good that he’s putting so much thought and effort into Frontline.

We finished up the day on the floor trying to dig up some interview material, and fulfilled a longtime iFanboy mystery. The mystery of the great lost Paul Dini is not a closed case. Watch the site in the coming weeks for the results. Also, watch out on Paul Dini’s Monkeytalk for a possible iFanboy apperance. A final note: leading the pack of nicest people at the convention this year is Misty Lee, Paul’s wife. She joins an illustrious group including Terry Moore and Jeff Smith, yet not at all including Tim Sale or Lou Ferrigno.

And then, before we knew it, a voice came over the PA and told us that it was time to go. Where the hell did the day go? Listen to the podcast and check out the pictures to find out about some of the other stuff we saw.

There are still three days to go, and the long days haven’t even started yet. If you’re planning to come see us at the panel, we may look a decade or two older than the pictures on the site would indicate. So far though, it’s absolutely worth it.

Special Report from Gordon The Intern

Day One –

This is my first time going to the convention. Although I attended the two hour preview last night – I was not entirely sure what I was in for until a full day on the floor at the con.

My job was easy (thanks to my generous bosses). All I had to do was walk the floor and get my picture taken with as many attractive women as possible. Needless to say there are plenty of “booth babes” at the convention – so I went to work.

The floor is a mad house of people – kids, geeks, people in costumes, and just general melee. You cannot walk 10 feet without bumping into somebody that has stopped to gaze at a Yoda toy, or ogle at a scantily clad “Power Girl.” That is all part of the fun I suppose.

I should give a shout out to Kristin at the Tony Hawk booth. I think it is for an animated movie, or video game, or something. Anyway, she is wearing a tight suit with little white balls on it. She explained it to me…but you’ll have to ask her yourself – I guess Tony Hawk wore it…though I have no idea how they are the same size. She was nice enough to let us interview her AGAIN today for our upcoming extended coverage of the con. I think our plan is to go back and see her everyday just to get updates from a “booth babe.”

Also, thanks to Suzy – aka – “Princess Ai” (something from the anime world). She made me laugh…and she was nice enough to be interviewed by the crack crew also.

And – I cannot forget to mention sweet Elena – my Russian pedicab driver. She was nice enough to “drive” me, the other intern Patrick, and our boss Conor to and from the convention. I feel terrible she is so tiny and the 3 of us getting the ride weighed in at over 550 lbs. She did all that she could to get around the streets of San Diego with us in tow…thanks Elena and welcome to America!!!

So, that was day one. Lots of costumes, not enough deodorant (not from me…I was fine), and plenty of “booth babes.” Oh yes, and Gold Bond…don’t ever forget Gold Bond. Oh…and I met some guy named George Perez…I have no idea who he is, but he posed in a picture for me.

– Gordon the Intern

Overheard at the Con

I wonder how far he can shove that thing up his butt?

I want breadsticks, lots of them… and maybe a salad.

Hey, there’s a pair of legs!

I don’t get it, “How long until Wednesday?” Why, because it’s hump day?

That looks pretty cool. Oh, it’s an RTS.

I was supposed to come as Mr. Terrific but it cost too much.

I know, but I can’t do all of you guys at one time.

Photos from Day One


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  1. That Gordon has an attractive �lan. Hooray for Gordo! (Everyone call him that from now on, he loves it.)

    You guys should go and see the Aquabats of Friday night in the House of Blues in San Diego. They’ll also be hanging out at the convention. They’re pretty kick ass. Although I expect you’ll be too busy.

  2. Greg Rucka looks so different than I thought that I’m having a little trouble dealing with it.

  3. Hey guys, you may be con’ed out by now, but I just wanted to put a link to a report of the recent heroes con. You guys said you may go there next year. Me Too. I am from the Charlotte area originally and I attended the Heroes con three years in a row a long time ago (’82-’84) I think. My dad took me there and now it would be nice to take my son.


    Another thing. What program do you use to build your site? That scrolling picture thing is really cool. Nice touch.

  4. Hulking, I’m in Charlotte too! I volunteered with Heroes for the weekend, had a great time as well.

    You guys mentioned someone challenging the constitutionality of the SHRA in the Civil War panel, I’d be curious to hear more about the argument that was made if you get a chance. Thanks!

  5. Guys, I’m loving all of this coverage. Thank you very much.

  6. All I have to say is…..”and our boss Connor.”

    How often are you going to hear that?

    I hope our show gets big enough to have interns. I want to be someone’s boss.
    oh and the comic coverage was GREAT!!

  7. You have a show? Link us!

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