Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #923 – Fantastic Four #712

Show Notes

Conor Kilpatrick’s back! Again! This week Josh Flanagan thinks they won’t have enough to talk about in the listener mail segment but you’d think after all of these years he’d know better. Plus, there was a major flukey technical screw-up that nearly derailed the show near the end but through the magic of editing you won’t hear it. But they will always remember it.

Note: Time codes are subject to change depending on dynamic ad insertion by the distributor.

Running Time: 01:00:40

Pick of the Week:
00:03:04 – Fantastic Four #712

00:12:19 – Action Comics #1064
00:16:36 – Transformers #7
00:21:50 – Dark Spaces: Dungeon #5
00:26:17 – Green Lantern #10
00:29:12 – Napalm Lullaby #2
00:32:00 – The Amazing Spider-Man #941
00:35:08 – Alien: What If…? #2

Patron Pick:
00:38:02 – Uncanny Valley #1

Patron Thanks:
00:46:43 – Alan Alvarez

Listener Mail:
00:48:32 – Peter S. from Cape Coral, Florida asks about all-time G.O.S.H.-iest comic book series.

Watch Josh and Conor discussing how to podcast and the history of iFanboy on the OpenWater webinar:

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Better Help – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ifanboy and get on your way to being your best self.
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“My Hero”
Foo Fighters


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  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!