iFanboy Video Podcast

iFanboy #9 – WonderCon 2007

Show Notes

Mere days after the New York Comic Con, iFanboy winged across the country to San Francisco for WonderCon! What were they thinking? How would their dilapidated bodies handle two major cons in two weeks? And what effect would the legendary Isotope Comics Tiki Tour have on the weekend’s proceedings? All of these questions and more are answered here!

With special appearances by…

  • Matt Wagner (Grendel)
  • Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise)
  • Steve Lieber (Whiteout)
  • David Mack (Kabuki)
  • Adam Beechen (Robin)
  • Matt Silady (The Homeless Channel)
  • Judd Winick (Green Arrow)
  • Phil Jimenez (The Amazing Spider-Man)

Whew, that was a wild and wacky one. We are still not sure if it really happened or if it was all just a hazy dream of endless walking and rum-based beverages.

One thing’s for sure, we won’t be missing out on WonderCon next year!


Get Involved

Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. Was that Ernie Hudson with the Ghostbusters t-shirt taking pictures with people?

  2. Yes. Further down the row were Darth Maul, the kid who played Boba Fett and Chewbacca.

  3. “I can feel my socks.”


  4. How many phonebooks was Jim Lee sitting on so he could see over the table at the panel?

  5. Well, Ray Park makes sense. Does he really have any career outside the comic book/sci-fi/fantasy world?

  6. Cool episode guys…. Just what we needed Drunk Ifanboys.

  7. Great show as always guys. I felt Conor’s meltdown was a particular high point. By the way, it sounds like the intern did very little work. Did he/she at least get your laundry and carry your luggage for you?

    COn looked fun. I’m super jealous. Great video though.

  8. Ron,

    When you were interviewing David Mack were you wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers t-shirt? I am a huge Steeler’s fan to the point that when I crap it is colored Black & Gold (is that normal?).

    the Tiki

  9. It’s actually a t-shirt from a friends design company “Stealworks” and its a modified Steelers logo but says “Steal”

    sorry to disappoint, if I have any football affiliation its to the Jets 🙂

  10. By the way, it sounds like the intern did very little work. Did he/she at least get your laundry and carry your luggage for you?

    i held the camera on 2 separate occasions
    thank you very much

  11. Our rigorous screening process seems to be fraught with flaws. We’re going to have to have a meeting.

  12. Great show guys. Seeing you guys drunk in some of the bar I’ve been to when I’ve visited San Fran was cool. Also Conor’s break down was rather funny. “I Can feel my socks.”

    Ron did you end up getting any original art?

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