Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.9%


changingshades06/11/09YesRead Review
Grayghost06/10/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. The developments in the last issue were very disturbing.

  2. All developments in this book are very disturbing.

  3. I’m trying to switch to trades for EVERY book I’m currently reading.  This will be the hardest one.

  4. This might be the most excited I’ve been for a Walking Dead arc. Yay.

  5. I think Carl is quit possibly one of the best characters in comics today. 

  6. Wouldn’t this be the first serialized arc (1 of 5) in the Walking Dead? Kirkman seems to be doing that with Invincible also. Not that it really matters, but I think it’s interesting to see him really work with the story arc format.

  7. @Win – I’m with you man.  At first I thought Kirkman was going to turn him into a sociopath and a problem for the other survivors. But now I’m starting to think he’s just gonna be a tough kid who grows up fast, and does what he thinks needs to be done for his family and friends.  Just like his dad

  8. @J4K3 – He just might want to make it easyer for new readers to jump on.

  9. What the hell? A Walking Dead solicit that is more than one word? That’s no fun.

    I have a feeling this storyline is going to be 27 different kinds of awesome, sprinkled with 47 different flavours of disturbing entertainment.

  10. If the old Kirkman solicits were in effect here it would read:  

    Walking Dead #62


  11. I love that this solicit references "Road to Washington." Can you imagine if they actually get there? GAH! Another great issue. These guys continue to top themselves every month.

  12. Even when you think that not much happens in an issue after the first read… you look back and realize that a whole lotta shit went down! 

  13. Hm. Although this was a good issue, I feel like it was kind of disappointing, at least based on what I expect out of TWD (especially when a new arc starts).

    Still good though, and I’m interested to see where it goes from here.

  14. After this issue I have to ask this question, Could Mr.Mullet get any more creepier? 

  15. I feel so bad… I just gave this book a 3… it’s like I just (had a child and then) called my own child ugly…

  16. I feel the Adlard has done a great job aging Carl over the last 10 or so issue.  Real subtle.  But there.

  17. It’s very rare that a Walking Dead issue is "meh" to me … but this one was. It wasn’t bad, it just seemed … flat. Didn’t have that "woah" moment on either an emotional or gore level.

  18. I dont know what you guys are talking about.  I thought this was awesome.  Anything with the people in the woods keeps me up at night.  I love this book!

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