Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


changingshades05/23/09YesRead Review


  1. Thank God this story / crossover is over!  I can’t wait to drop this title. 

  2. The horrifying conclusion to the TITANS/TEEN TITANS/VIGILANTE "Deathtrap" crossover would be cool if Jericho gets into Vigilante and makes him kill himself.

  3. @Reform – you could write this shit!  Love it!

  4. i bought the first issue and immediatly dropped this book. I still want me $3 back DC.

  5. not much worth talking about,  Vigilante cut out joes eyes now the TITIANS are after him,

    wOw I’m done with Vigilante.

  6. I was ready to drop this book anyway, but wanted to finish this shitty crossover for some reason.  This was such crap.  I have to disagree with the lone reviewer that Wolfman seems to have a place in his heart for these characters, because he honestly doesn’t seem to know how to write their dialogue anymore.  He used the word "twitch" twice.

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