Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.6%


  1. Over the past 4-6 issues this book has moved up into my top 5.

  2. This is up there with Scalped…

  3. I agree with both of you

  4. Trouville is bang-on.

  5. I can’t believe how few pulls this is getting

  6. @Deadspace- I think its due partly to what Josh was saying: some people just can’t handle the violence, knowing that its grounded in truth. Even though he is able to read Garth Ennis’ war stories and things like Northlanders, I think it is tougher to read about violent acts that could possibly take place as you read about them.

  7. Whoa whoa whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This isn’t as good as Scalped 😛 I’m a fan of both books, (so, nothing against this one, it’s awesome) but to me, nothing is really close to Scalped. Best comic book I read by a long way.

    But yes, Unknown Soldier is awesome. No doubt about that.

  8. I’m really happy to be reading this.

  9. Loved the contrast between the text and art on the last page.

  10. This book is a masterwork.  Every issue has me on the edge of my seat.  I give it my highest recommendation.

  11. Picked up the trade a few weeks back for a steal ($10) and love this title.  But that being said I cant wait for the next trade. 

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