Comic Books


• FINAL EXECUTION nears its brutal finish!

• X-Force finally faces the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants all together!

Story by Rick Remender
Art by Phil Noto
Cover by Jerome Opena

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 16.2%
Avg Rating: 4.5
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  1. Nice. Haven’t been this excited by a Wolverine vs. Sabretooth image since the ones I saw on trading cards circa 1991.

    • Yeah, I blanched a little when I saw the thumbnail – years of Wolvie/Sabertooth cover battle oversaturation – but viewing it large & seeing all that Opena goodness… man, that’s a great cover!

  2. This Jerome Opena cover might be the best Wolverine/Sabretooth cover since Marc Silvestri on Uncanny X-Men #221

  3. When all is said and done and this series ends, Remenders Uncanny X-Force may just go down as the Greatest X-book ever. Every issue just fries my brain it’s so good.

  4. The sequence of Deadpool fighting Blob…well, Deadpool’s role in the whole issue I suppose, but the panel of Deadpool’s counterattack against Blob made me lol….thus meaning I had no choice buy make it my POTW.

  5. Will this issue be in the running for best Covers From Oct 2012? Could be.

  6. I love it! Halfway through the final arc of Remender’s run & he gives us a sly & really thoughtful/sincere reason for Deadpool being on the team, his personal motivation. Rick’s psychology of these characters throughout has been amazing, & the way he sneaks it in the middle of superhero action sequences. Kudos, man.

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