• Will Miles become a member of the Ultimates?!

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Pepe Larraz
Colors by Justin Ponsor
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by David Marquez & Rain Beredo

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. I’m really enjoying the Ultimate universe. I’ve loved the writing in Ultimates far more than anything in mainstream Marvel.

  2. Sweet Cover!

  3. this book is just insanely good

  4. This title is probably my favorite from Marvel… haven’t been disapointed at all with this one

  5. solid. art and story.
    i’ve always kinda wondered if Cap America kills people(soilders) in battle. and so he does.
    does 616 Cap kill, too? if not, did he kill Nazis during WWII?
    i’ve been reading comics for roughly 25 yrs and i find it strange that i don’t know this.

    • Cap’s often been seen killing nazi’s and in modern comics while he doesn’t go for the gusto like wolverine he’s not above killing in order to stop the deaths of innocent people

    • I feel like 616 Cap has wavered on this. Time was he was a staunch believer in “There’s always another way,” but these days he’s been contextualized a bit more as a soldier, making his view on that a bit hazier.

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