Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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  1. Lately, I’ve really been enjoying the stories about the three gods and the troubles they have gone through.  A nice little reminder and I look forward to the trinity actually playing larger roles once again in the series about them (we’ve seen how much everyone else is trying to save them, now they need to bust out, and we’re getting there!)

  2. @jlddlj11 – I thought the interaction between the members of the Trinity was interesting in this issue.  They seemed to act more like "real" people in this setting than they often do in their primary books.

    Also, "Almost Got’im" is (in my opinion) the best episode of Batman:TAS and possibly any cartoon ever.  I love the Croc story that Bruce constructs.  I would love to see a scene like that on the big screen.

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