Comic Books



• One of the Avengers must betray the team to fill their destiny with the Phoenix.

• A game-changer for the Avengers franchise…and it is not who you think!

• Comics legend Walt Simonson is back!!

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Walter Simonson, Scott Hanna
Colors by Jason Keith
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Walter Simonson

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.3
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  1. Damn did the last issue suck.

  2. Damn, was the last issue good.

  3. I think it will be Protector.

  4. I love the Protector, I swear if anything happens to him…..

  5. You know it just has to be the alien.

    I’ll probably read a big pile of Avengers… someday soon.

  6. Story was good. Art was so bad tho.

  7. Do we really need two books showcasing the space team?

  8. Wait, didn’t I already read this? Basically half a comic of complete recap. And the art is unbelievably horrible. Especially for such a flagship book in the middle of a huge crossover. Ugh. How utterly crap-tastic…

  9. Wow, Thor truly is putting himself out there an awful lot lately and really taking some serious lumps! I hate traitors and I really hope Mar-vel gets his shit kicked in!


    • That’s not Mar-Vell, that’s Noh-Var. They both have Kree names, and are technically both Kree, but not the same character at all.

  10. Damn, the art sucks. Holy shit. I’d jump on to this book, but wow.

    And never liked protector. Hope he dies.

  11. I swear someone else is writing this and they’re just putting Bendis’ name on it. It just doesn’t seem like his writing

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