Comic Books


One by one, The Titans have fallen! Now it’s up to the oldest Titan and the newest Titan, as Beast Boy and Solstice battle demonic forces to save their teammates and keep an unspeakable evil from laying claim to the entire world. It’s all-out war – with Beast Boy like you’ve never seen him before!

Written by J.T. KRUL

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.3
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  1. Lets end this with a BANG, kids!

  2. Nicola Scott’s artwork is really nice, but JT Krul is a very mediocre writer.  And this issue didn’t even have Nicola’s art in it, despite what the cover said.  Thanks DC!  I put it back on the shelves, and I’m done with this book until September.  I really miss when the New Teen Ttitans was a great book.

  3. I find it strange that DC advertises Nikola Scott on the cover but has Jose Luis credited in the interior. Lame.

    He does a good enough job, but still…

  4. An enjoyable issue, but not really knowing where all of these characters will be come September does make it a little less meaningful to read.

  5. Is anyone else not feeling this solstice girl or is it just me ?

  6. Please stop this train wreck.

  7. Someone needs to take this series out back and put it out of its misery. Oh, wait, the entire line of DC books is being taken out back and put out of their misery. Tra la la.

  8. Not great, not terrible.

    This issue was a faster read for me (for some reason) than the other issues of this arc.

    Personally, I am not looking forward to the re-booted TT book due out in September, so these last few issues are like a swan song for me.

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