Comic Books


• It’s Supergirl’s first date on Earth – which means it’s time for a new villain to attack and Supergirl to figure out…she has new powers?

Written by Michael Green & Mike Johnson
Art by Mahmud Asrar
Cover by Mahmud Asrar

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. I haven’t been reading Supergirl but heard it’s been good. This issue a good jumping on point?

  2. Date? Already? We’ll see how this turns out. I’m sure it’s all bad news. Poor Kara.

  3. I jumped on last issue and enjoyed it.

    Gonna give this book a chance.

  4. This book has been consistent month in, and month out. Asrar’s art has been the big standout for me though.

  5. I’m bummed that Kara is leaving her supporting cast behind already. I liked having the “Silver Banshee” family around. Hopefully, they’ll pop back up again soon.

  6. Kal round two, eh …. ? Interesting ….

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