Comic Books


The body count rises!

Another Squad member falls – but not the way you might expect! Betrayal follows betrayal as Captain Boomerang joins the Squad in a smash-and-grab against the terrorist organization Kobra, and Harley Quinn shows why you should never, ever recruit Squad members from Arkham Asylum.

Brace yourself for a last-page shocker the likes of which the Squad has never faced before!

Written by ADAM GLASS

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. This is one of my absolute favorites from the DCU and every week it improves, I can not wait till tomorrow night to read it. I will jump over to CBR to read the preview later if they have it. If you are not sure if you should be picking this up, quit asking and just start doing! Story lines have been great chatacter development great and the artwrok superb!! \
    I have a feeling this will be my POW and may be fighting for the POM for me as well!! Harley is the hottest wacko I know and I love her!


  2. Gets better each week.



  4. This should be even crazier with Captain Boomerang as Squad leader. This has been Consistently fun and fills the void where Secret Six use to be.

  5. 5 overall just as good as I suspected and then some! Boomer is a real son of a bit#h!! I love it; Harley is going to be one of the greatest baddies in the DCU!!!!

    POW and POM


  6. I am really glad I decided to read this book back when issue 1 hit the stands. It’s just great fun with great characters. True, in the beginning it was kind of obvious which villains were the ones who were going to die, but that never really distracted me. Hope we see more Boomerang in the future. He has to be one of my favorite villains.

  7. Excellent. really underrated title, most prob due to that weird first issue. Great series of one shot missions with pure crazy fun. worth checking out.

  8. Jesus I can’t ever seem to drop this book! I need to drop it because of my budget but it’s soo much fun! 4/5 still on board

  9. Boomer butt doesn’t get any breaks. Like the twist of the double cross. Don’t understand why they changed Kobra into Basilisk. And it’s Belle Reve (“sweet dream”) not Belle Reeve

  10. Some small changes here or there really did not even notice those, although the Kobra thing really was kinda weird and no HIVE either; Basilisk? I can deal with it, this title is just to good, Boomer ain’t done yet I garuntee that! I think it’s a triple, double cross and now he is in on the inside. There is no way Boomer gets left off in one issue just like that, he will be kick n some arse by next issue I hope.


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