Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.9
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  1. Really interested in this series. Number One has been a character I always wanted to see expanded. Byrne can be hit or miss, though. I’m so hoping for a hit!

  2. Good issue, not great. Liking that Byrne is keeping the "mystery" of Number One’s name, hope he doesn’t spoil that. Nice surprises, though a little random in points. I also thought Byrne’s art was a little lazy in the smaller panels, with semi-completed figures in the background. It stands in contrast to his line art on Angel: Blood and Trenches.

    Still, enjoy it alot. 

  3. I agree. I noticed that his backgrounds looked a little sloppy but overall I really enjoyed this book. Will be picking up the entire mini! And I hope that Byrne is back for good, I miss his stuff!

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