Comic Books

SPAWN #187

Price: $2.95
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. I love that cover. Spawn is absolutely kicking ass right now. That’s all I’ve got to say.

  2. it definatly reminds me off when i was almost into comics and i was getting issues off of ebay.  it was a great dark book and after 100 it just kinda meandered with no direction, and this almost seems like its getting back on track.  plus, this is the best Portacio art ive ever seen since his medical problems.  maybe its Mcfarlane’s digitalk inks, but it just seems so much more controlled and tighter.  and maybe both Holguin and Mcfarlane’s writing is meshing just like it did back in the pre100 issues and is providing just the right touch of nostalgia.  hopefully it lasts

  3. hope this story arc gets moving a little faster – the end of the last issue was good

  4. This has been great. The Youngblood relaunch was a bit disappointing, but this has been fun and I’m loving the art.

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