Comic Books


‘FIVE FUNERALS AND A BUCKET OF BLOOD,’ Part Two Weaponless, weary and wanted by the law! The Skullkickers’ heroic reputation has flip-flopped in a whirlwind of faerie magic and bloody bodies.

Who’s responsible and how bad are they gonna get thumped by everyone’s favorite monster mashers? Image’s hit action-comedy series is on time and kick ass – Believe it!

Jim Zub, Huang, Coats, Chris Stevens

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.3%


  1. Love the craziness of this book.

  2. yeah this book is awesome. So much fun each issue.

  3. I’m out! I can’t get into the zaniness of this and I feel a lot of things need to be explained/better told. I’m out.

  4. Always leaves me smilling.  Can’t say how much i enjoy this book.  Can’t wait for wednesday, my number one pick this week,

  5. @Simmons: In the Words of Larry from the Three Stooges “Well Okay, Tell your friends about us”

  6. This book just keeps getting better.

  7. Another fantastic issue.

  8. Best issue yet. My pick of the week. The gun scenes were hilarious.

  9. This was my first time reading Skull Kickers… I’m hooked.  I picked up issues 7 and 8 to try something new, and I’m sure glad I did.

    @Simmons  I could see the series getting a little too “zany”, but right now I’m happy.  Issue 7 had a nice recap of the previous arc if you’re feeling lost.

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