Comic Books


One month later. Nick Fury’s got an army. Hydra goes to war. Leviathan reveals itself. Things heat up and Young Gun Stefano Caselli returns to knock it out of the park!

WRITER: Jonathan Hickman
PENCILS: Stefano Caselli
LETTERED BY: Dave Lanphear
COVER BY: Jim Cheung

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. i really really like this series. one of my favourites.


    if you like Hickman’s work on Fantastic Four – read this

  2. I love the stuff that Hickman’s been doing here.  Superhero spy stuff, two great tastes that taste great together.

  3. READ IT!!

  4. ooh, a reprint!

  5. I’m liking the series, I’m very glad Stefano Caselli is back. I used to think he’s art was ugly, but it has really grown on me in this series.

    I heard he skipped an arc so he could get a head start on this story, and now stay on the book for the rest of his run, it should look great when it’s all wrapped up.

  6. this is a fun and intelligent series.

  7. Hickman is on his way into the Marvel elite. If Abnet and Lanning ever loosen their death grip on Marvel cosmic stuff I’d love to see Hickman get a crack at writing an Inhumans story.

  8. @USPUNX-Have you seen Mavel’s march solicit??? The FF are going on the blue area of the moon to investigate on the Inhumans.

  9. I had not seen that! Awesome! Thank you rockingeek!

  10. This is a great series, but I wish I was reading it in trade. I think it would have more impact.


  11. was the printing in anyone else’s issue all messed? really dark?

  12. and i didn’t know Fury had a kid. that’s awesome

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