Comic Books


The battle between the Secret Six and the Doom Patrol continues from this month’s DOOM PATROL #19! Last month, the Secret Six faced Luthor, but this month, they go pedal-to-the-metal against the only team as messed up as the Six themselves – the Doom Patrol! You don’t want to miss this issue as a Sixer leaves the team forever!

Written by GAIL SIMONE

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 11.0%
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  1. So, this issue is part 2 of a 2-part story, which begins in DOOM PATROL #19. Too bad that DOOM PATROL #19 isn’t out for at least two more weeks. Oh, DC. You’re so silly.

  2. No, I think this is the first part of a two-parter.

  3. @ctrosejr  Not according to the solict above and the solicit for DOOM PATROL #19, which is slated for a Feb. 16th release.

  4. @JeffR  for shizz.

  5. Yeah, that’s a mess…Why the crossovers in Secret Six? The Luthor thing was kinda ‘eh.

  6. With all these crossovers & weirdness lately in this book, it’s pretty hard to keep up with. The last few issues I keep feeling like I missed the previous issue (I didn’t) … it just seems REALLY unfocused & all over the place, right now.

  7. Been meandering a bit since that truly spectacularly, bad ass Catman arc. Didn’t want all those random new characters and now this crossover mess.  The crossovers bump up sales of issues, otherwise they
    wouldn’t do them. But by their nature the crossover does not give you any idea what the series is really like. There is no room for character development or anything but getting from A to B in the crossover plot. So the new reader pick-up is virtually nil and old readers often pick this point to abandon ship. At best it is a bump in the road and everything gets back to normal afterwards, with 1-2 issues selling 30% more or some such. Business is business, as they say.

  8. They switched things around so this is now Part 1 of the 2 part story.  I don’t know how and why, but they did.

  9. This was not good

  10. Hmmm. So DC’s solicits were wrong again, eh? Don’t know why I’m so surprised. I’d have thought I’d have learned my lesson by now.

  11. @JimBilly4 and @WadeWilson  I’m glad someone else feels that way too. This book has been spotty since the Catman arc. It’s all over and I feel like I missed an issue along the way. Simone’s run on Wonder Woman was that way some of the time to me as well. It went from “A” to “D” without a “B” and “C.” Maybe it’s her “style” but just because Grant Morrison can pull it off it doesn’t mean everyone should try. Most of the time it screws things up.

    So by crossing over with DP, are they trying to up its sales? And by crossing with Action, were they trying to up SS’s sales? I don’t know the sales numbers of each, but I can’t see either of these making much difference in readership. I don’t like cross-overs for the most part. They feel forced, both in marketing and story-telling.

    SS was one of DC’s best books IMO. Great writing, good plots, good storytelling. But the last several months have been not so good.

  12. Disappointing, 2 of my fav dc books and it seemed so forced and missing important points to the story, looking 4ward to the next arc, sounds great

  13. I will echo everyone who says that SS and Action seemed disjointed.  I love what Cornell is doing on Action, but I don’t think he had a handle on the SS characters.  Even worse, Gail Simone seemed to lose their voices, too.  

    Here’s hoping that this cross-over is better executed.  I also hope that these cross-overs are excluded from the trades.  I suspect they won’t really add anything of value to the on-going SS story in the long-run. 

  14. I love SS, but I’ve just stuck w reading SS.  I haven’ picked up ANY of the issues that crossover into another title.  Which leads me to be a little frustrated with SS lately.  I don’t mind it occasionally, but I feel that a lot of other characters have been pushed into SS lately, out of the book and in. (Suicide Squad, Luthor, Doom Patrol)

    I’d just really like to read the Secret Six.  

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