Comic Books


Catman’s past crawls back to haunt him as Cheshire returns! Could the secret she’s carrying spell the end of the Secret Six?

Written by GAIL SIMONE

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.3%


Invasionforce03/12/10YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. OK Catman, you are going to have to pay to replace this cover. And while we are discussing remuneration, Batman and Catwoman have filed a joint-action cease and desist order on your costume/name combination. In conjunction, Wolverine has filed an Amicus Brief but as he lives in an entirely different Universe he has no legal standing and can not file for injury. Oh, and the color Brown called. He would like you to stop using him for your cape and cowl, as he said: "Hey man, I am the color of dirt and tree bark. Why you putting dirt and tree bark on your head? Do you see a lot of other heroes ‘browning it up?’ Put me back onto your kitchen table where I belong. Peace. Brown."


  2. what?

  3. For some reason I had a strong attack of the snarks and took it out on poor Catman. Seriously, one of the major characters is Catman and this title is awesome. Simone is a genius.

  4. People who have liked the last few issues of the Six might want to check out Ostrander’s Grimjack Omnibus that comes out this week too.  Lots of page for not much money!

  5. So, Chesire daughter dies in CRY! for Justice and now they are bringing back her son with Catman. …How is the cat going to handle this

  6. My first issue of the series and whilst a bit confusing I enjoyed it enough to get 20. 3 stars

  7. I thought this issue was excellent.  Although I liked the Blackest Night tie-in, I’m glad that Simone gets to tell her own story again.

  8. Nicola Scott is never coming back, is she?

  9. i love Jeannette

  10. I imagine it’s all squishy and awkward.

  11. one of the best dc titles from the start and is not losing steam. I dont know if a lot of people are getting it but the should be so it dont get canceled

  12. Jumped on board this issue.  Lot’s of fun and really cool characters!!! I’ve been missing out.

  13. @magnum240-Sadly I think that’s the case. I’m enjoying Calafiore’s style, but nothing tops the gorgeous work that Scott did with these characters.

    Loved this issue. I enjoyed the Blackest Night tie-ins, but am glad they are done with.

  14. On the plus side, I think Calfiore is getting better. I liked his art this issue a lot.

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