Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%


reg500008/14/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. Only getting it for the art. Nord is quite good. A Dodson cover helps, too.

  2. Mike Carey writes great X-men, I’m psyched.

  3. I haven’t read anything to do with Secret Invasion but I have been reading Astonishing and Uncanny. Does anyone know if this will have more to do with SI, which I’m not reading, or the X titles, which I am? Or should I just pick this up for the hell of it?

  4. @nstorts: This book isn’t about Secret Invasion as much as the X-Men fighting off a Skrull invasion in their new home. Quesada or someone stated that there will only be one big X-Moment where the main SI series and this book meet in the middle.

    The preview pages of this convinced me to buy it. Especially the last page of the previews where Cyclops bisects a Skrull ship from offscreen.


    I’m sold.

  6. @nstorts


    You really don’t have to know much about Secret Invasion to understand this. It’s a good X-book – surprisingly so – and has more to do with the X-Men as adopted sons and daughters of San Francisco than the mainstay of the alien invasin.


    Did anyone dislike the art as much as I did?

  7. Was anyone else taken out of the moment when they saw the gigantic sign in the foreground of an early page that read "San Francicso?"

  8. Honestly, this was better than Astonishing X-Men.

    I love the X-Men in San Francisco. 

  9. The main reason I came to this page, two weeks late, was to gripe about the misspell of San Francisco.  What do they pay editors for if they can’t find an easily spotted bastardization of the spelling of my fair City by the Bay?  I didn’t expect great things from this book, but I don’t think I’ll be buying the rest of them.  

    Also, my German’s a little rusty, but Nightcrawler might want to consult Google translations:  What he says is "Nicht diese tone" which means "not this tone."  "Not this time" translates to "Nicht dieses Mal."  "Tone" means "tone".  Both make no sense in the moment, but it just points to the pathetic dialogue that continues throughout the book.

    Page 10, panel 2, a Skrull says "D-data weave confirms, drop-captain.  It’s the x-men.  We’re dealing with the X-men"  Where’s the drama?  Who cares?  Later we get this literary gem "Skirreth Rud!  The X-men!  We should have known about this."  It’s weak, it doesn’t deserve $2.99 for one issue, certainly not $12 for all four.  Another crappy crossover. 

    @bansidhewail, I was so taken out of the moment (page 4, panel 3 to anyone who cares) I had to see if anyone else noticed it, and then…well, there you were!  Somehow the sign seems to correct itself later (page 11, panel 1), is the sign a Skrull?  

    @coltrane68:  Yes, the art sucks too.  It has no depth, no character, certain panels look like he’s trying to copy Leinil Yu with the abundance of facial lines and creases, other times, especially drawings of Cyclops’ face, make me throw up in my mouth a little.


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