Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.2%


NOK07/13/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.5
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. this book is wonderful. So wonderful.

  2. #1 was excellent. I’m looking forward to this!

  3. In a word: Yay!

  4. I think Ken Garing will be a star. Last issue had great art, a great plot and a fantastic script. I’m looking forward to this issue and Garings future career.

  5. Really enjoyed the first issue of this. Ken’s definitely a talent on the rise, and I’m very much looking forward to this issue!

  6. This was a standout for me! It is like Prophet but there is enough here to keep me fully on board. I have a feeling his art will only get better with time as well and the first issue had some excellent panels/pages. Can’t wait!.

  7. The first issue was great! really looking forward to this one.

  8. Loved the first issue! Took a chance on it based on the art previews and was pleasantly surprised the story was just as strong 🙂

  9. I know this will be better as a trade, but I feel like I want to support guys like Ken, so I’m going to keep buying the floppies.

  10. This was fantastic! I’m intrigued by the world Ken Garing has created, really cool robot designs and land/machinescapes. The last few pages had me smiling, Silas is a badass. I’m still secretly hoping that the planned five issues isn’t the last we see of this world, and that Garing has more stories to tell in this universe. It’s only been two issues, but I’m loving everything about this book.

  11. love it!
    my POW

  12. My LCS didn’t pull it for me this week :-(. He says I’m one of the only guys who buys image books that are not called The Walking Dead… such a shame.

    • That’s surprising, my LCS has actually had to make a separate section for Image because of all the demand for their titles. My LCS now has sections for DC, Marvel, Image, & Inde’s……

      It is a shame! Don’t know how big your LCS is, but how about Saga, Chew, Thief of Thieves, etc.??? Anyway, if you’re in a bigger city…..find a new LCS! Especially with all the new Image titles just announced at San Diego Comic Con!!

  13. This book is so good. The preview here was cool and all, I thought it was neat, but I didn’t end up checking it out digitally. It completely floored me when I grabbed the print version.

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