Comic Books


“The Plague Widow” part 4 of 8. As temperatures plummet and both fuel and food start to dwindle, some of the townspeople start to panic. Gunborg seizes on this to organize an expedition outside the sealed city in order to forage. But considering the plague, he seems too eager to take that risk. And as Hilda finds out herself, one doesn’t have to travel far for danger to find them.

Written by Brian Wood
Art by Leandro Fernandez
Cover by Massimo Carnevale

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. Holy shit!!  Am I the only one reading this??!!  This is the best Northlanders arc there ever was!

  2. Leandro Fernandaz is awesome. Him drawing vikings in the winter? Amazing. He has been a favorite of mine for awhile but I haven’t seen him since his last stint on MAX punisher a long time ago

  3. Yeah this arc has been really great, but it seems like every arc starts out amazing and then fizzles out at the end. Hoping this one breaks the mold.

  4. I’m reading this and loving it. SUCH a cool premise

  5. This currently has an average rating of 6.5?!?! How is that possible in a rating system of 1 to 5???

  6. @sammorgan: Because it’s that good.

  7. Ok ish in a great arc…

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