Comic Books


• Many threads tie together in this penultimate issue!

• Sela’s master plan is revealed!

• Kassandra initiates her revenge against Winters!

Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Tom Mandrake
Cover by Leonardo Manco

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. Avatar photo filippod (@filippodee) says:

    I’d gladly read a second arc. I hope it will do well enough in trade to justify a second mini.

  2. This series held a lot of promise. It was unfortunately weighted down by an awful artist and a very flawed, drawn-out story. Too bad.

  3. I barely remember how this started. This issue gave us the back story and essentially halted the plot (as it was).

    I don’t understand why the Justice League Dark title (which is a rubbish title) wasn’t actually called Night Force and involved the Baron. Is this part of the new 52 universe?

    • I disagree about Justice League Dark. It’s one of the best titles of the New 52. Baron Winter and his Night Force were not updated for a modern day comic-reading audience. Marv Wolfman did not do the job in this mini-series. My problem starts with the writing and is made worst by an underwhelming art. I was a fan of the original series, flaws and all, but this one was disappointing.

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