Comic Books


Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


  1. Sweet!

  2. Worth every bit of the wait every time. 🙂

  3. This is such a fantastic book.

  4. yes! This arc is finally over!! Gimmie that hard cover!!!! =O

  5. @Aquaman-Agreed!  I want my hardcover now!!!!

  6. Totally worth the wait.

  7. I stopped reading this with issue 3, but have bought all the other issues.  I can’t wait to read through them all at once.

  8. @Neb: Wow! What impeled you to dig out the back issues?

  9. I only wish there was just a little more meat to this story.  The art is surpassed by none however… it continues to be a jawdropper when you’re enveloped in those gorgeous colors.

  10. The story is a little "trimmed" due to the target demographic. I think…

    But there’s still quite a but there…

  11. @JJ – Absolutely.

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