Comic Books


In the last leg of Celanawe’s quest for the Black Axe and its meaning, he is led to discover a secret order of mice who guard its secrets and history, its maker, and others like him. The knowledge of his having recovered the Axe leads Celanawe to a difficult decision.

The end of the issue holds one final surprise for longtime Mouse Guard fans!

Concludes the Black Axe miniseries and features a pin-up by Mike Mignola and Dave Stewart (Hellboy)!

By David Petersen

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.7
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  1. I am loving this series…I sure hope everyone is holding out for the collected edition, the pull numbers are horrible!

  2. Given that #6 is coming out, I got a chance to re-read issues #1-5 in one fell swoop last night. Wow, it really holds together very very well as a single story. I think this is actually the best Mouse Guard volume yet, partly because the story is relatively straight-forward, there are lots of wonderful non-mice animals with substantial roles, and there aren’t too many mice so the characters don’t get confused.

    I’d say it’s the best because of the outstanding art too, but the truth is the first two volumes were beautiful also..! In this volume we have foxes, weasels, crows, patchwork sailing vessels, the Mouse Guard version of Mos Eisley, great halls, just so much wonderful art it takes your breath away.

    There are a few really special books out on the marketplace where the creator’s vision is laser sharp: Godzilla Half-Century War and Planetoid come to mind. Mouse Guard may be the most special of these books.

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