Comic Books


• Moon Knight succumbs to one of his new personalities to fight for the survival of Los Angeles!

• Once the Kingpin of LA pushes him over the edge, can Moon Knight ever come back?!

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Alex Maleev
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Alex Maleev

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.4%


Avg Rating: 3.8
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  1. I’m going to miss this series. I thought it has been well done and really look forward to how this ends. I’m not sure if I’d like Moon Knight written by someone else, but i may have to get a team book if that’s where I’ll get more of this guy.

    Does anyone know if he’s got these same three personalities in Secret Avengers?

    • He’s no longer in Secret Avengers and these personalities seem to have manifested after he stopped appearing in that book so that’s no. I’d recommend tracking down the trade of Ultimate Spider-Man he appeared in. Good stuff

    • I just may do that. I like the Ultimate costume, but never read any of the Ultimate line of books prior to Ultimate Spidey.

    • It’s really good and it’ll give you ultimate versions of Daredevil, Iron Fist and if i remember correctly Silver Sable

  2. I’ll take pretty much any version of MK as long as he doesn’t have mystic powers. That’s when the idea of MK goes off the rails, he shouldn’t be carrying around glowing ankhs or any cr*p like that. I like that Bendis implied here that Khonshu is part of his self-delusion. That works for me.

    But I also loved the first long run of MK, where he really was just a non-powered combination of Daredevil and Batman. He wasn’t crazy then and that worked fine too.

    I think he’s always been a poor fit for the Avengers. Just like Black Widow, Spider-man, and a whole bunch of other characters — but then, in the Bendis MU, is there really character left who hasn’t been in the Avengers at this point?

    Oh yea, am LOVING THIS SERIES!

  3. My feelings abput this series is extremely mixed and I can’t say im particularly sad that it’s going away.

  4. I can’t remember. Is this the last issue?

  5. I was shocked to hear this was ending. While I dropped this about 2 months ago, it was still a very well written series.

  6. This has been the best thing Bendis has been writing lately and it’s ending

  7. Interesting. Did not know this series was ending. Wonder why. Lack of sales or because Bendis’ plate is so full??

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