Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. Only 35 pulls for this?  Some of the finest art being produced these days and 35 pulls?  A travesty.

  2. It’s a low amount of pulls for one of my favorite image books

  3. I’ve said this before on here but I used to be the #1 Madman fan.  This is my last issue (I have to preorder from DCBS so I technically dropped this 3 months ago).  Yes, the art is great, but it’s not so great that it can hide, to me, what feels like the height of self indulgent story telling that has lost all the spark of fun that Allred used to inject into this mag.  It’s sad to me how far this book has fallen.

  4. @Hawkboy, I’d call it experimental rather than self-indulgent.  It doesn’t always work but he’s always trying something new.

  5. I understand and respect that CAM, I really do. 

    For me…I’d consider it experimental if it hadn’t lasted for 11 very tedious issues. And if it is an experiment I’d say from my perspective that it didn’t work.  It’s just not floating my boat anymore, and it makes me kinda sad.  And I’m not wanting for basic super hero action from Allred or anything…just a coherent story that isn’t trying too hard to be a hip Ginsburg poem.

  6. this has been a very good week for crazy guest stars in comics, between the Ziggy Stardust/David Bowie ghost in madman, witch was freakin awesome BTW and a certain strange voiced gay journalist/author in Age of the Sentry.  we need to see more of this in comics

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