Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


  1. Last issue was awesome. Hope this issue keeps it up.

  2. What a cool cover!  But are the numbers for this book as bad as the pull numbers on Ifanboy?  Are people buying it in trade or just not buying it at all?

  3. @Urthona I wonder the same thing. This is one of the best series Vertigo has going, and it wins Eisners, and it seems like no one is reading it. I just hope that either the trade market for this book is big or the iFanbase isn’t an indicator of the audience. 

  4. @Jamesschneider – This was the best issue in a while.  I loved the final page.  Art fantastic throughout…and the cover was even better in my sweaty little hands.  I just hope that if this does get shelved they let storylines be completed.  Would love to see the diamond reports on the numbers for this and the TPB.

  5. this was less like Mad Men and more like Kevin Smith’s first Green Arrow story.  This was pretty good.

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