The crossover with I, VAMPIRE heats up as Zatanna and Shade stand alone against an army of single-minded vampires, with their most powerful teammates out of the action!

Plus: Constantine and Deadman have gone to the ends of the earth and beyond in search of the only two powers who can put a stop to the bloody rise of Cain – but what they bring back will change the face of sorcery forever!

To be concluded in this month’s I, VAMPIRE #8!

Written by Peter Milligan
Pencilled by Daniel G Sampere
Lettered by Rob Leigh
Colored by Admira Wijayadi
Cover by Ryan Sook

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. Caught up on this over the weekend.I’m really digging it.

  2. I’m really ready for Jeff Lemire

  3. I read the first issue of the series, and did not read anymore. When Lemire comes in next month, I’ll give that a shot.

  4. I’m glad to hear this is good.

    Had to drop it for money reasons.

  5. Do I have to read the I, Vampire issues to read this or does the story still make sense if I only read the JLD part of the crossover?

  6. yes, you have to read I,Vampire. If anything, it’s more of an I,Vampire story than a JLDark story.

  7. I was surprised how much I liked I,Vampire. And I’m over vampires, but the story is cool and I think it helps JLD.

  8. Not reading I, Vampire. Can’t afford to buy anything extra. But I really enjoy this series so I’ll just deal with it.

  9. Digging the crossover, that said, i can’t wait for Lemire on this book.

  10. I’ve felt this entire run milligans writing hasn’t flowed well along with the story for whatever reason, even with this issue the art was good and their were some individual great moments but when reading it just felt rushed somewhat and packed with to much content and plot. It’s been decent to say the least and good enough to keep me on but with Lemire jumping on next issue I’m hoping it gets steered in a better direction

    • I agree. The series is decent enough to keep me on. Maybe because it’s a great mix of B-List characters that I like on their own and get all of in one title…but it’s been very rushed. Almost as if they expect cancellation at any moment.

  11. This was just alright to me. I didn’t enjoy the art so much, I don’t think it’s bad, just not my cup ‘o tea. I’m also looking forward to Lemire taking over. I’ve read he’s a big Constantine fan, so it’ll be cool to see his interpretation of old Hellblazer.

  12. When Zatanna talks about the field trip she took in high school, is that a reference to something?

  13. Lemire writing Constantine should be interesting.

    I picked this up due to the I, Vampire crossover but now I’m adding it to my pull list. Would have never expected to be into this!

    I was always a fan of the superhero comics – mainly X titles, Spidey, etc … with very little DC, and no so-called horror/dark books.
    Post new 52 – I am loving Snyder’s Batman and Swamp Thing also Lemire’s work on Animal Man. I’ve picked up Morrison’s Batman run. Started reading I, Vampire and American Vampire. Added some other publisher stuff too – Saga, Manhattan Projects. And now this.

    Think the big change is due to a) my tastes maturing and b) the overall quality of Marvel (Remender, Hickman and Slott excepted) has gone down

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say is – this stuff is good and I want more!

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